Angel Power

About the Book

"There are many angels, maybe as many as the stars in the sky . . . ."
And every single one of these precious beings offers the world unique blessings. ANGEL POWER describes the special tasks and responsibilities of each of the Nine Choirs of Angels. The Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are angels of goodness, love, and wisdom. The Angels of Dominion are angels of leadership. From the Virtue Angels flow miracles of healing, comfort, and peace. The Power Angels are special warriors against evil and defenders of goodness. The Principalities, Archangels, and Angels administer our planet. By illuminating each Choir's special powers, the author enables us more easily to draw upon its particular, radiant light.
Weaving her own personal angel experiences together with angel prayers and with true angel stories she has been told, the author teaches us to open ourselves to angelic guidance, support, and protection. Her book spreads before us a dazzling and profoundly reassuring prospect of angel power at work -- a vision so beautiful and potent that those who experience it feel they know heaven on earth.
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Angel Power

Humanity stands at the brink of the Era of Angels. A spiritual awakening unlike anything known in the history of the world begins now. This book is for all those who desire to know angels well and to communicate with them. Angel Power is a source of empowerment by which even the smallest and weakest human being can ascend to the heights of peace, joy, and love. Angel Power is the energy to ascend to God’s Kingdom. Those who ride on the wings of the angels ride in the arms of God. Now is a glorious time for those who know the angels well.
The wisdom of the ages teaches that each individual, whether believer or not, good or bad, old or young, sick or well, rich or poor, has a personal Guardian Angel with him or her at every moment of life’s journey. Our personal Guardian Angel stands by, day and night, waiting to serve us, bless us, and help us for the glory of God and to bring peace to His People on earth. There are also other kinds of angels, in addition to Guardian Angels, each of whom is well equipped to provide power, courage, strength, wisdom, consolation, understanding, and knowledge. Holy angels bring the very strength and power of God to all those who sincerely invite them into their lives.
We access Angel Power by being consciously aware of the presence of the angels and by communicating with them. All people are meant to enjoy and share the unconditional love of the Nine Choirs of Angels. Angel Power is a source of joy, peace, abundance, and great love for all who receive it.
Those who know how to access the power of angels experience great blessings and immense happiness. Angel Power is accessible to everyone of goodwill. However, Angel Power will not help us to get our own way unless our cause is just. Angel Power is not a means to further mere human capriciousness. Rather, Angel Power achieves the fulfillment of our choices that bring glory to God and blessings upon ourselves and one another.
Most people, in the deepest part of their memory, hold the angels in great esteem. The angels are quite powerful and do make themselves known. For thousands of years people all over the world have believed in angels. Some found them inexplicable; others have been quite conscious of the angels and have lived in close harmony with them.
My own quest for the angels began when I was visited by a tragedy as a small child. In the midst of that terror something very beautiful happened: I was rescued by the angels. That encounter when I was two years old has led me along the paths of life with an absolute certitude about the presence and reality of Angel Power. The purpose of this book is to share some of the insights and stories I have learned that are interwoven in the tapestry of humanity’s journey with the angels.
Everyone needs angels. Angels are intertwined in the events and circumstances of ordinary people caught up in the business of daily obligations. The angels constantly do extraordinary things for ordinary people. The angels love each of us individually and unconditionally under all circumstances. The angels, who are always with us, are channels of Divine Love. Pure spirits, they are neither male nor female. Angels are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Though they are everywhere, they are usually invisible. Angels carry God’s Unconditional Love to all people.
Angels are God’s Ambassadors to the planet Earth. People who are consciously aware of the presence of the angels realize they are surrounded by an invisible armada of pure spirits of unconditional love. These blessed spirits are armed with the authority and might of Paradise. Angels bring human beings the power to transcend the limitations of space and time. Angels also bring healing, perseverance, creativity, fortitude, joy, and solutions to the problems and circumstances of our human conditions.
Angels surround all people and events. They ennoble and enrich all people. Angels experience immense joy in serving God’s children. They long for us to assign them tasks and projects. Sweetness of life surrounds those who access Angel Power. Those who do not yet live in harmony with the angels in seeking solutions to the miseries of the earth suffer needlessly.
More and more people all over the world are awakening to the presence of angels. As such awareness is heightened and refined, the hope is that people will permit angels to bring Divine Remedies to the mistakes and problems of our times. It gives angels great joy to be included in human pursuits that hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth. People who learn to access angels and to rely upon their power find one of the greatest treasures of creation.
Angels, always present and aware of our needs, are most humble. They do not interfere in our lives unless we invite them to do so. They usually communicate with us in the silence of our interior understanding: we “hear” angels with our hearts. They communicate their messages directly to our intelligence so that we understand them clearly.
During a particularly difficult and trying time in my personal life, certain members of my family and a few close friends began to notice some of the graciousness that I attributed to the angels who guided me in the dark night of faith. Gradually people of all walks of life, levels of education, and differing beliefs, and some with no professed faith at all, were asking me for information about Angel Power. Subsequently I was invited to lecture at national and international congresses, conferences, conventions, clubs, seminars, churches, synagogues, radio shows, and even on television documentaries about contemporary issues and the power of the angels to help all of us in our daily lives.
Angels bring solutions, strength, and power to those who sincerely invite them into their lives. All people on earth have been created to enjoy and share the unconditional love of the Nine Choirs of Angels. Angel Power is a source of lasting joy and enlightenment for all who receive it.
Wherever you are on your own journey with angels, I trust that some of the facts, stories, and secrets you will find in these pages will add great happiness to your life, especially since we stand on the threshold of the Era of Holy Angels that has been prophesied since the beginning and is contained in the sacred texts. The curtain begins even now to rise as the mystery of angels unfolds before our eyes.
In researching Angel Power I have relied on the teachings of Saint Gregory the Great, who saw spiritual belief not merely as a quest for the mysterious but as a personal encounter with the Divine. The Summa Theologica of the great Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, provides the fabric for Angel Power.
The Meditations and Prayers I have written for this book are presented as a suggested guide for our odyssey with angels, though I suspect the angels themselves will teach you how to speak to them as you become proficient in accessing Angel Power. The Meditations and Prayers are simply intended as possibilities for experiences along the path of enlightenment, consolation, endurance, petition, gratitude, and Divine Adoration. A few of the more famous Prayers that have been used throughout the ages in addressing angels are also included.
This book is offered in the hope that the experiences it describes will be a source of inspiration and a tool for everyone to access Angel Power. It is given with much gratitude and love.
Wonderful stories about the marvelous things angels have done for our grandparents, great-grandparents, and ancestors are a special legacy of many families. Angels manifest themselves to each of us, often in mysterious ways. The behavior of the angels presented in these pages is rooted in true stories. In certain personal stories names, places, or some of the circumstances have been changed to protect the privacy of those who have so graciously shared their encounters. Of great significance is the fact that many of the stories, though they span nations and generations, are similar.
Often, painful situations that people find particularly onerous provide challenging opportunities to reach a higher level of consciousness and a deeper awareness of the reality of the spiritual world. Bad times create good spiritual growth if awareness is coupled with faith in a higher power and humility to use the tools of the higher power. Angels are inseparable friends, who bring strength and consolation to those who include them in their lives. In truth, angels are our best friends.
The invisible world of holy angels belongs to us. Most of the time we do not enter into the world of angels. They are brilliantly humble. Angels in general do not directly interfere in our lives unless we invite them. But there are exceptions to that rule! Though it is usually not their way, if you should suddenly discover an angel meddling in your life, be prepared. When an angel arrives on the scene, amazing things happen.

About the Author

Janice T. Connell
Janice T. Connell acts as a consultant to clearinghouses for Marian information throughout the world. She is the host of a nationally syndicated radio program called The Power of Love and the founder of the Pittsburgh Center for Peace (a Marian organization) and the international Queen of Peace newsletter. Connell is also a practicing attorney in ethics and international law. She lives in Florida. More by Janice T. Connell
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