The Art of Comic Book Writing
The Definitive Guide to Outlining, Scripting, and Pitching Your Sequential Art Stories
Mark Kneece
September 8, 2015 | ISBN 9780770436971
AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBookshop.orgHudson BooksellersPowell'sTargetWalmart
September 8, 2015 | ISBN 9781607747512
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About the Book
With this latest book in the SCAD Creative Essentials series from the esteemed Savannah College of Art and Design, comics writer and instructor Mark Kneece gives aspiring comic book writers the essential tools they need to write scripts for sequential art with confidence and success. He provides a practical set of guidelines favored by many comic book publishers and uses a unique trial and error approach to show would-be scribes the potential pitfalls they might encounter when seeking a career in comics writing. Supported by examples of scripting from SCAD's students, faculty, and alumni,The Art of Comic Book Writing strips away the mysteries of this popular artform and provides real-world advice and easy-to-follow examples for those looking to write for the comics medium.