Alien - Sea of Sorrows (Book 2)
James A. Moore
Mass Market Paperback
July 29, 2014 | ISBN 9781781162705
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July 22, 2014 | ISBN 9781781162712
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About the Book
The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has secrets of its own, as Decker discovers when he is forced to join a team of mercenaries sent to investigate an ancient excavation. Somewhere in that long-forgotten dig lies the thing the company wants most in the universe—a living Xenomorph.
Decker doesn’t understand why they need him, until his own past comes back to haunt him. Centuries ago, his ancestor fought the Aliens, launching a bloody vendetta that was never satisfied. That was when the creatures swore revenge on the Destroyer…Ellen Ripley.
Alien TM & © 1979, 2013 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.