Praise for Alien: The Official Movie Novelization
"Foster’s treatment of the source material has only enhanced my appreciation for this classic story." - Blogcritics
"The book was well written, it filled in a few gaps in the film that I didn’t know needed to be filled until I read them, and it put the film in a different context, which may color my next viewing. If you consider yourself a fan of the film, it’s worth checking out." - Top Hat Sasquatch
"A hell of a fun and terrifying read. It’s one I recommend to anyone who loves the film or a good old fashioned sci-fi romp through the hell in our stars." - Ravenous Monster
“In text form the primal dread conjured by its events and themes is as timeless as the cold and empty darkness from which it spreads. 9/10.” - Starburst
“The official novelization is a stroll-back to memory lane of sweat inducing horrors.” – Retrenders
"The official novelization is a stroll-back to memory lane of sweat inducing horrors." - Retrenders
“An open door to the ALIENS universe that offers the curious even more information about the dangerous world of the films.” – Suvudu
“Worthy to be on your shelf if you consider yourself a fan of the film.” – Retroist
"Manages to capture the emotion and terror of the film." - Geek Girl Project
"As timeless as the movie that spawned it" - Den of Geek
“a master class in technically accomplished writing, as Foster uses the tools of his trade to translate the sparse details of a script into a lush, horrifyingly detailed haunted spaceship tale, populated by characters you’ll feel for” - Barnes & Noble SFF blog