Aprons on a Clothesline

Aprons on a Clothesline


About the Book

Book Three in the Lake Emily series

In Lake Emily, life’s greatest battles
are won by the power of friendship

Virginia Morgan is used to helping others–it’s who she is. A wife. A mother. A grandmother. A friend. But when Virginia suffers a debilitating stroke, she can no longer wear that apron. It is a change that sends her into the depths of hopelessness. Can she find her way to seeing that life is still well worth living? Or will she give up hope and sink deeper into despair?

Meanwhile, the Morgans and Biddles discover that each season of life has its adjustments–for Trudy Biddle marriage and a meddling mother-in-law, for Mae and Peter Morgan the challenges of keeping the family farm afloat as they welcome a new member into their family, and for young Jessie Wise hopes for a new mother.

Filled with the enchantment that makes Lake Emily everyone’s hometown, Aprons on a Clothesline is a lovely reminder that hope can be found even in the tragedies of life and that joy waits in the most unexpected places.

“Traci’s books…call my name and soothe my soul.” Jane Kirkpatrick, award-winning author of All Together in One Place and A Name of Her Own
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Lake Emily Series

Aprons on a Clothesline
Dandelions in a Jelly Jar
A Can of Peas

About the Author

Traci DePree
Traci DePree is the author of A Can of Peas and Dandelions in a Jelly Jar, the first two books in the Lake Emily series. She is also the editor behind many best-selling Christian novels. Traci brings over fifteen years of experience in Christian fiction to her writing, offering an earthy blend of Midwest wisdom and deeply rooted conviction. She makes her home with her family in a rural farming town in Minnesota.

"My web master has redesigned my web site with a new look and some new features, including two daily blogs--The Writing Life and The Rural Life. It's a place for writers and for lovers of simple living to connect, discuss, learn and grow. If you aren't familiar with blogs, they are daily or weekly journals focusing of specific topics of interest. There's a place for discussion/comments about postings so come by as often as you can to discuss what's going on. My entries are to serve as springboards for greater discussion and to do that I need you! So come by and tell your friends about it. The more the merrier.www.tracidepree.com"--Traci DePree More by Traci DePree
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