The Veritas Conflict

The Veritas Conflict

About the Book

Claire Rivers races to the mailbox to receive a letter of acceptance to Harvard University while a heavenly battle rages. In this fast-paced, suspenseful novel, the ageless war for the hearts and minds of students on our college campuses is revealed. Conflict between unseen evil and angelic forces reflects their battle for victorious living amidst confused messages. When Claire and her roommate encounter attacks on their faith, a deeper mystery -- involving Harvard's Christian heritage, the pull of money, and a dark plan for societal corruption -- unfolds around them. Will they succumb to temptation and destruction? What has become of Harvard's founding motto: Veritas, Christo et Ecclesiae -- "Truth for Christ and the Church"? Can Claire -- with other praying students and their parents -- counteract the forces of humanism and relativism ... and what will it cost them to do so?
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About the Author

Shaunti Feldhahn
Social researcher and international speaker Shaunti Feldhahn is the author of many groundbreaking books, including For Women Only, For Men Only, The Male Factor, The Good News About Marriage, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages and The Kindness Challenge. In total, Shuanti's books have sold more than two million copies in twenty-four languages.

Shaunti earned her master’s degree at Harvard University and worked on Wall Street and Capitol Hill before developing an innovative research method to deliver insights about personal and work relationships that most people miss. Shaunti’s findings are regularly featured in media as diverse as The New York Times and Patheos, Cosmo and iMom.

Shaunti’s husband Jeff is the founder of World2One, a disruptive pro-privacy marketing technology. The Feldhahns live in Atlanta with their teenage daughter and son, and two cats who think they are dogs. More by Shaunti Feldhahn
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