Land of the Lustrous 3

Land of the Lustrous 3

About the Book

Now with new legs, Phosphophyllite is ready to go to battle. But when that new strength is needed the most, Phos is too scared to use it. Mortified by this failure, Phos undertakes the self-imposed punishment of staying awake all winter while the other gems are asleep. But winter has its own share of dangers...
An elegant new action manga for fans of Sailor Moon!
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Land of the Lustrous Series

Land of the Lustrous 12
Land of the Lustrous 11
Land of the Lustrous 10
Land of the Lustrous 9
Land of the Lustrous 8
Land of the Lustrous 7
Land of the Lustrous 6
Land of the Lustrous 5
Land of the Lustrous 4
Land of the Lustrous 3
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About the Author

Haruko Ichikawa
Decorative Carat
Random House Publishing Group