Runner's World Train Smart, Run Forever
How to Become a Fit and Healthy Lifelong Runner by Following The Innovative 7-Hour Workout Week
Bill Pierce and Scott Murr
April 4, 2017 | ISBN 9781623367466
AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBookshop.orgHudson BooksellersPowell'sTargetWalmart
April 4, 2017 | ISBN 9781623367473
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About the Book
Runner’s World Train Smart, Run Forever is appropriate for all runners, but is especially helpful if you’re frustrated by injuries or looking to maintain your healthy lifestyle as you age. This book addresses the controversies surrounding the dangers of overtraining and the stress associated with the constant craving for faster race times. Complete with a comprehensive program to enhance overall fitness, improve race times, and support healthy aging, this book will show you how to achieve your fitness goals at any stage.