TRSF 2011
Technology Review
May 1, 2011 | ISBN 9780262535571
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About the Book
TRSF is the first iteration of the Twelve Tomorrows series. Published by MIT Technology Review, this volume brings together original stories by leading science fiction authors inspired by today's emerging technologies. Featuring a diverse collection of authors, characters, and stories rooted in contemporary real-world science, each volume in the series offers conceivable and inclusive stories of the future, celebrating and continuing the genre of “hard” science fiction pioneered by authors such as Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert Heinlein.
Pat Cadigan, Elizabeth Bear, Joe Haldeman, Ken Liu, Tobias Buckell and others offer stories about space flight, biocomputing, virtual reality, and filmmaking. Ranging from sad to hilarious, but always thought-provoking, the stories are interspersed with beautiful full-page color illustrations from the work of SF illustrator Chris Foss.