Maxie Wiz and the Magic Charms
Michelle Meadows; illustrated by Sawyer Cloud
Award Winner
September 5, 2023 | ISBN 9780593571361
AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBookshop.orgHudson BooksellersPowell'sTargetWalmart
Award Winner
September 5, 2023 | ISBN 9780593571378
AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionBookshop.orgHudson BooksellersPowell'sTargetWalmart
Award Winner
September 5, 2023 | ISBN 9780593571385
AmazonApple BooksBarnes & NobleBooks A MillionGoogle Play StoreKobo
About the Book
HOCUS-POCUS! Maxie Wiz has magic homework! She must collect all the charms in her magic spell for it to work. Will she be able to follow the steps and rev up her magic wand?
Follow this little wizard and her dragon on a whimsical treasure hunt. Predictable rhymes help support a successful reading experience, while bright, lively art brings this delightful story to life.
Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words. Rhymes and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story. For children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading.