Written by Matt Kindt; Illustrated by Tyler Jenkins and Hilary Jenkins
December 19, 2023 | ISBN 9781506734613
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December 19, 2023 | ISBN 9781506734620
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About the Book
A young girl with a black cat begins to suspect the innocuous beast is behind all her troubles: her parents’ fighting, family plagues, and innumerable supernatural horrors. As she tries her best to rid herself of this creature, she discovers that maybe the cat is not evil after all and a greater terror may be behind these horrific events harming her life.
Collects Hairball #1–#4 in a deluxe, hardcover die-cut format featuring faux cat fur. Hairball is the latest release from Flux House Books, a new boutique imprint that will feature the writing (and sometimes) art of acclaimed comics creator Matt Kindt, with crime, science fiction, horror, and humor stories, all told and presented in startling and untraditional ways.