The Adult Chair
Get Unstuck, Claim Your Power, and Transform Your Life
Michelle Chalfant
May 6, 2025 | ISBN 9780593735336
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May 6, 2025 | ISBN 9780593735343
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About the Book
Many of us were never shown what it truly means to be an adult. Instead, we learned unhealthy patterns from parents who, themselves, had never been taught. It is no surprise that we often find ourselves filled with self-doubt, stuck in feelings of overwhelm, and trapped in unfulfilling or dead-end relationships.
But there is a way out.
After decades of working with clients, therapist, coach, and podcast host Michelle Chalfant passionately believes in the potential for every person to awaken to their true selves and create a life filled with purpose and joy. Her Adult Chair model fuses spirituality and psychology, making complex concepts accessible and practical.
The Adult Chair explores the three key stages of human development using a framework of three chairs: “The Child Chair,” “The Adolescent Chair,” and “The Adult Chair.” By understanding and working through each stage, you’ll identify how your early life experiences shaped your thoughts, behaviors, and self-worth. This insight alone is powerful, but Chalfant’s five pillars of healthy adult living also provide simple, practical tools to help you permanently release the negative beliefs and behaviors holding you back.
This is the manual we all needed while growing up, and it’s not too late to learn from it now—a way to grow into adults who feel worthy, empowered, lovable, and confident. No matter what you want help with, The Adult Chair is your path to self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation.