Only for Those Who Shall Die--a Yogi's Guide to Living, Dying, and Beyond
June 10, 2025 | ISBN 9780593797969
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June 10, 2025 | ISBN 9780593797976
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About the Book
Death is an inevitable part of our lives, yet most societies have struggled to come to terms with it. Today, we continue to grapple with the enduring questions: What is death? Why do we fear it? What happens after death? Is it an end or a doorway to something beyond?
In this unique, clear-sighted exploration of death, Sadhguru dwells extensively upon his inner experience as he expounds on the deeper aspects of death that are rarely spoken about. What if death is not the catastrophe it is made out to be, but an essential aspect of life, rife with spiritual possibilities for transcendence? Avoiding death is avoiding life. Our fear of death is really a fear of loss. Sadhguru shows us how to go beyond that fear so that it no longer rules our behavior. He invites you to explore how living with an awareness of mortality can allow you to experience life more deeply. Coming to terms with death will ensure that you live purposefully, striving to make each moment as beautiful as it can be.
Sadhguru also breaks down the mysteries surrounding death, including practical aspects such as what preparations one can make for one’s death, how best we can assist someone who is dying, and how we can continue to support their journey even after death. Drawing from profound wisdom and his own transformative journey, Sadhguru delivers an entirely new and necessary perspective—death not as an end, but part of the continuum of existence.