Simply Genetics
Facts Made Fast
November 18, 2025 | ISBN 9798217126323
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About the Book
Combining bold graphics with easy-to-understand text, this is the perfect introduction to the blueprint of life for those who are short on time but hungry for knowledge.
Covering a broad range of fields from the cell biology of genes and DNA to cutting-edge gene-editing technologies like CRISPR, Simply Genetics demystifies the complexities of genetic code, its role in the evolution of species, and how it might reshape humanity and the world we live in.
Explaining individual aspects of genetics more clearly than ever before, the book outlines the molecular science behind the crucial discoveries in the field, profiles revolutionary applications in agriculture and health like stem cell therapy, and explores the ethical implications of genetic research and technologies like “designer“ babies.
Whether you are studying genetics- or biology-related subjects at school or college, or simply want a jargon-free overview of this pioneering field of science, this essential guide is packed with everything you need to understand the basics quickly and easily.